Meet 12 Franchisors that want to expand into Minnesota

Date: Wednesday, April 9
Time: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Hilton MSP/St. Paul Airport
3800 American Blvd E
Bloomington, MN 55425
For More Information call 763-445-2610

Hosted by FranNet
Click here to learn more and register

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LinkedMinnesota is a networking and discussion group for all professionals in the Minnesota area (including the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Rochester, St. Cloud, Brainerd, etc.) or that have some connection to Minnesota.

Our mission statement is “To evoke and create a great experience for every member, no matter what they do or where they work.”

LinkedMinnesota is a very active face to face and online networking group. We believe we have a lot to offer our members including:

  • Members in Transition: Job Fair and Lunch-and-Learns
  • Face-to-Face networking: Lunches and Promoted Networking Events
  • Education: Lunch-and-Learns and Promotional Webinars
  • Resource for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Extravaganzas, Events, Networking Lunches and Quarterly Social Hours
  • Fun and Networking: Quarterly Social hours and Golf Tournament

Since our group is very large we are now limiting members to just Minnesota residents. If you live in another state and have a valid reason (such as moving here or opening another location for your business) for joining our group, please send an email to and to have your application reviewed.